Hello again! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season filled with blessings and new fond memories. Due to scheduling conflicts with my designated blog day, I was unable to post until after the holidays had passed. I am glad to be back, and I am ready to jump into today's subject.
I was asked to write a post about kids dropping out of school. So, without further ado, let's "talk"!
1. Who is dropping out?
This topic required some research from me, and I was able to find some statistics that taught me a few things about the numbers. Numbers, however, don't answer the question "Why?", and we will discuss this later in my last point.
I want to give you a link to a couple of the different layouts in dropout statistics I came across:
If you took the time to even skim through those, you can see that through the years, the overall rate of dropouts has decreased. It is still far too prominent. Recently in the gender aspect of the dropout rate, the amount of male dropouts exceeds the total of female dropouts.
Now, the breakdown of these charts branches far more in depth as far as racial aspects and the variations between the years. If you'd like more insight on those details, please, feel free to look at the statistics again and even take to Google and find even more.
Today, I am switching two of our "w" questions. Right now, I want to discuss why this occurs.
2. Why do kids drop out?
I say frequently that every situation is different. Upon doing some research, reading some personal testimonies, and recalling people that I know/know of who have dropped out of high school, I have noticed a few common reasons behind something that society frowns upon greatly (yet, society also has done little to prevent this).
Let's be clear on one thing, although there are majorities, there is not one sole reason as to why kids make the choice to drop out. No matter what the cause is, we ought to do what we can to find out what is wrong and do what we must to prevent it.
There are many cases in which the student makes the decision to quit school, because, despite what the average picture on dropping out is (in other words, laziness and/or stupidity), they felt that the education system was failing them and/or their schooling was not challenging them, nor giving them the amount of learning they needed.
On the other hand, in a certain survey, the report was that 35% of those that left school said they did so because they were failing.
45% of those who admitted to leaving school on the account of extreme academic challenge for them personally, went on to say that their education in their elementary school years left them improperly prepared for a high school education.
My mother has worked with and taught young children for quite a while. Having had an exposure to the teacher side of things as her child, I saw the great example of how a teacher should be in the way(s) she handled her students, as opposed to those who were not such exemplary teachers. I have heard and seen instances were a teacher simply gives up on a particularly difficult student, whether it be because of their behavior, or their poor academic skills.
Giving up on a child who clearly needs teaching as a teacher is an example of how school can fail a student instead of the student merely failing school.
I'd like to take a moment to encourage any teacher that struggles with a similar issue. Whether or not by your own hand or skill, there is a way you can impact a more difficult to reach child's life. Do not give up on them. They need someone to care enough about their education to actually make sure they are able to be taught and to learn.
3. Where does the issue lie?
There is no set source to the issue. Even if we had a flawless education system, every student is still different. We all learn at different paces and have different minds. Some people are lazy and simply do not want to put the work in, but do not assume this is always, or even most likely, the case. Sometimes, it is a matter of disinterest. I'm fairly certain we've all had a boring teacher at one point or another. An educator who is working to engage their students in the learning process will bear much more fruit than one who does not.
The issue on either side, the education or the student, stems from human error. Human nature surrounds us, but we do not need to use this as an excuse or succumb to it. All of us must never stop working to make this world a better place.
4. When does dropping out effect kids most?
The answer to this question would have to be when a dropout attempts to find a good job. I am happy to say that some dropouts later do go back to attend school, or they get their GED. But not a huge majority do.
In another report, many adults who had been dropouts stated that if they had the chance to go back to that time, they would choose to stay in school. If you did go to the links that I posted under the first point, you probably saw that the amount of money a high school graduate makes vs. the amount a dropout makes is a matter of about $200,000 or more in their lifetime.
So, clearly, it mostly affects their work situation.
I would venture to say on a more personal level that it also affects people emotionally, especially in the instance where they may or may not realize that the education system failed them, as opposed to them being a failure.
5. What is the solution?
If you are the parent of a student considering dropping out, I have a link specially for you.
If you are the student, I want you to realize that there are other options.
If you don't feel challenged by the school you are attending, homeschooling is an option. I have been homeschooled since the 7th grade. This works for me personally because I can work at my own pace, and I have found more of a challenge in the particular curriculum(s) I have used. This is also a choice that comes with a lesser expense as far as tuition goes. Transferring schools is another option.
No matter what your position is concerning why you are thinking of leaving school, I encourage you to speak to your parents or authority figure(s) in your life for advice as far as what would best suit you in your situation.
If you feel that you cannot keep up in your schooling, you can get a tutor, or you and/or your parents can set up ways to get you caught up in your work, or some schools offer various programs to assist you as well.
The point is, with some guidance and exploration, you can find a fitting solution!
Never give up. You are capable of accomplishing anything you put your mind to.
I hope that this post provided you with some insight and information to further your knowledge and thinking on the matter of high school dropouts.
I wish you all the best.
Until next time!!!
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