Friday, January 2, 2015


So it's 2015. A new year so a new start right? People around you are talking about all the changes they're going to make this year, all the new resolutions they're "going to stick to this time", and they're all saying, "2015 is MY year!"

But what's going to happen in a couple days, weeks, or months when the hype dies down and the resolutions get swept away with the stresses of daily life? What's going to happen when school starts up again and all the temptations are right there staring you in the face, and they're stronger than they were before? What's going to happen when you fail (you know it's going to happen) and you're faced with the decision to try again, or wait until next year?

Let's face it, no matter who you are, you ARE going to fail, you ARE going to get tired of trying, and you ARE going to give in to temptation. I'm not trying to be discouraging, I'm just saying what we all know is true. We're all human, and we all fail because nobody is perfect. I'm not perfect, you're not perfect, your parents aren't perfect, and we all try and struggle, but no matter how hard we push, we will always fall down when we think we've finally reached the top. But is that any reason not to keep trying? Is that a reason to not get up again? Yes, we all fail, but that's what makes the struggle of the human life so beautiful.

We fall and we struggle and we hurt and we cry, but then we get back up and keep pushing forward until we reach our goals and our dreams, or until we fall again. The thing about life is that while we plan and we carve a little spot out for us, we can never know what's going to happen. All we can ultimately do is overcome the obstacles that are put in front of us, but overcoming takes more dedication and heartache sometimes than a resolution. Overcoming is a choice to stick through the heartache until you conquer your mountain.

The question now is are you willing to make the choice to overcome whatever has been holding you down? Are you willing to leave the easy road of following the status quo? Are you willing to invite disaster and upheaval into your life for a momentary sting of pain so that your future can be better? Are you willing to lose friends and maybe even family to follow a path that will help you break out of addictions and temptations?

This message is not for the faint of heart or for those who aren't willing to make the commitment to truly overcome their obstacles. This message is for those who are tired of being stuck in the same cycle every year. This message is for those who are trying to change their life for the better. This message is for those who are escaping addictions and need a reason to stay clean. This message is for those who have nothing left.

So for all my misfits of society, 2015 is your year to overcome.
For all you punks, jocks, sluts, whores, goths, nerds, all you labels, 2015 is your year to overcome.
For all my girls out there who look at themselves in the mirror, and all you see is "fat", 2015 is your year to overcome.
For all my girls and boys who starve yourselves or force yourself to throw up in the bathroom so you can have a socially acceptable image, 2015 is your year to overcome.
For all my girls who have bruises you're hiding because you want to believe that he loves you, but all he does is hurt you, 2015 is your year to overcome and escape.
For all my boys who can only think clearly enough to smoke the next joint, and you hate yourself every time you break down, 2015 is your year to overcome.
For all my girls who give up your bodies because you think sex can bring you happiness and acceptance, but all you feel is emptiness, 2015 is your year to overcome.
For all my girls and boys who have fresh cuts on your arms, stomachs, thighs, new breaks, bruises, and you're trying to hide the pain but then someone says something to you and it all comes back, 2015 is your year to overcome.
For all my boys who are looking for the next party, the next girl, the next time you can get drunk or high, 2015 is your year to overcome.
For all my girls who are looking at the pregnancy test in your hands, and you don't know how you're going to tell your boyfriend or your parents, 2015 is your year to overcome.
For all my boys who suffer abuse at the hands of your mother, father, guardian, and you have a new bruise to make up a lie about, 2015 is your year to overcome.
For all my girls who are sitting in your room, praying that he won't come to your bedroom tonight and force you to give him your body again, 2015 is your year to overcome.
For all my boys who just lost a parent, and you have to pick up the pieces and be that parent for your younger sisters and brothers, 2015 is your year to overcome.

For all my teens of America. 2015 is your year. What are you going to do with it?

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